iec 60079 zone classification

IEC 60079 Zone Classification

IEC 60079 zone classification for hazardous areas

IEC 60079 guidelines for classifying hazardous areas

RIG-A-LITE hazardous lighting is classified according to National Electrical Code (NEC) standards. For international projects, these classifications align with IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Zones, ensuring compatibility and safety.

iec 60079 zone classification

Zone 0

An area where an explosive gas-air mixture is continuously present or present for long periods. Comparable to Class I, Division 1 areas (NEC). Most industrial users avoid electrical equipment in Zone 0, except for intrinsically safe equipment.

iec 60079 zone classification

Zone 1

An area where an explosive gas-air mixture is likely to occur in normal operations. Comparable to Class I, Division 1 applications.

iec 60079 zone classification

Zone 2

An area where an explosive gas-air mixture is not likely to occur, and if it does, it is only for a short period. Comparable to Class I, Division 2 locations (NEC).

iec 60079 zone classification

Zone 20

An area where an explosive dust atmosphere is continuously present. Comparable to Class II, Division 1 and Class III, Division 1 locations (NEC).

iec 60079 zone classification

Zone 21

An area where an explosive dust atmosphere is likely to occur occasionally during normal operations. Comparable to Class II, Division 2 and Class III, Division 1 locations (NEC).

iec 60079 zone classification

Zone 22

An area where an explosive dust atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operations, and if it does, it is only for short periods. Comparable to Class III, Division 2 locations (NEC).

Classification Comparison

Hazardous MaterialNEC U.S. StandardsIEC Standards
Gas or VaporClass 1, Division 1Zones 0, 1
Class 1, Division 2Zone 2
DustClass 2, Division 1Zone 20
Class 2, Division 2Zones 21, 22
Fibers or FlyingsClass 3, Division 1Zones 20, 21
Class 3, Division 2Zones 22
iec 60079 zone classification

Class 1 Division 1 Lighting

Class 1 division 1 explosion proof lighting prevents ignition in areas with constant flammable gases or vapors

iec 60079 zone classification

Class 1 Division 2 Lighting

Class 1 Div 2 hazardous-rated lighting provides protection where flammable gases or vapors are unlikely but possible

iec 60079 zone classification

Class 2 Division 1 Lighting

C2D1 explosion proof lighting prevents combustible dust ignition where hazardous conditions are always present

iec 60079 zone classification

Class 2 Division 2 Lighting

Class 2 division 2 hazardous-rated lighting (C2D2) minimizes the risk in areas where combustible dust may occur

iec 60079 zone classification

Class 3 Lighting

Class III explosion proof lighting prevents ignition in environments with ignitable fibers or flyings

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