Switchgear, For Fast and Reliable Support

Aging electrical infrastructure is something that all utilities and industries face. Dealing with the consequences of failed or failing equipment requires forward planning and the right technical support.


Like all hard-working installations, switchgear assemblies wear out over time. When a switchgear assembly begins to fail, Avail Switchgear Systems provide the perfect solution for a quick and efficient return to service.

A seamless transition from the old to the new

When a 35-year-old switchgear assembly for a major utility experienced a catastrophic fault and subsequent fire, Avail furnished them with a new permanent switchgear unit and an interim portable one.

Portable switchgear feeder cables were installed through the access port to permit re-connection to the existing feeder cables. The portable switchgear then carried the bus #1 load until the new switchgear could be installed.

The new 15kV, 2000 amp, shelteraisle metal clad switchgear was installed on the existing foundation and over the existing feeder cables. The new unit was furnished to the utility in less than 16 weeks; compared to the normal lead-time of 24-26 weeks.

The success of this fast-track project can be attributed to the combined efforts of the utility team and the convenience, mobility, and effectiveness of the switchgear units furnished by Avail.

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