High Voltage Bus Elevated Installation

Every station layout design has certain physical boundaries to which the transmission components must adhere. If the space available precludes the use of air-insulated bus and a lack of available land prevents continuous transmission line at ground level or below grade, a high voltage bus elevated installation provides a potential solution.

During a high voltage bus elevated installation, Avail High Voltage Bus Systems are installed above ground, support structures are engineered and installed to support the system during operation. Each installation includes unique support locations, structures and design details to ensure that the bus is properly supported and will operate, both under normal operating conditions, and during unusual environmental events, including seismic events.

High Voltage Bus Installation Project Profile: Teeside Power Plant, Teeside, England

The Teesside Project is a 1725 MW combined-cycle gas-fired power plant located in the United Kingdom. The arrangement of the generators and transformers, and the location of the gas insulated switchgear created a need for an extensive array of 275 kV, 1200 amp transmission links from transformers to enclosed GIS substation.

The amount of space available for power transmission was very limited. An installation below grade was not possible due to the existing system of underground lines, steam pipes, etc.

The solution was an elevated, compact SF6 insulated system. Avail was selected because of our reliability and experience at these system ratings. What made this project unique for Avail was the height requirement. Due to the proposed structures and access requirements, the high voltage bus elevated installation ran as high as 8.84 meters (29 feet) above grade. Support structures for this project were designed to hold as many as five circuits (fifteen phases) of bus, with at least six phases running at the maximum height.

To learn more about Avail’s high voltage bus elevated installation, as well as our other offerings, visit Avail Bus Systems and Avail Bus Services, or follow us on LinkedIn.

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